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LACERTA GmbH | Wien | Linz

ASI294MM-Pro mono Kamera (Diagonale: 23,2mm, Auflösung: 47MP, 2.3µm Pixel, USB3.0, IMX492 Sony Back-illuminated CMOS, gekühlt)

statt 1905.00, jetzt nur
1879.89 EUR
(Bruttopreise sind mit 19% bzw. 7% MWSt kalkuliert. Sollte die MWSt in Ihrem Land höher sein, übernimmt LACERTA GmbH die Differenz.)
zzgl. Versand

Marke:  ZWO
Bauart: CMOS-mono
Sensordiagonale: 23,2mm
Auflösung: 47MP (8288x5644)
Transportgewicht:  1kg (Versandkosten)

(Der Lagerbestand dient nur zur Information und beinhaltet auch bereits reservierte Exemplare)
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428.89 EUR
226.89 EUR
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ASI294MMP mono CMOS Kamera bin 1x1

ASI294MM Pro is a back-illuminated, 4/3” format, 14-bit ADC camera with 4.63um pixels (old bin 2x2). It is the mono version of ASI294MC Pro, one of the top selling cameras from ZWO. It has an impressive 66ke- full well capacity and 4144*2822 big resolution (bin 2x2). Not only does it have a very high QE value with a peak at about 90%, but feature an ultra-low readout noise of 1.2e. If you are seeking for a small-format mono camera for astrophotography, then ASI294MM Pro gonna be your ideal choice.

NEW: the Sony hardware 2x2 bin has been unlocked!

bin 1x1 is now standard, Sensor resolution at bin 1x1 is now 8288x5644 Pixel, Pixel size 2,3µm

bin1 2.3um 12bit ADC

bin2 sensor bin2  4.6um 14bit ADC

bin3 software bin3 2.3um 12bit ADC

bin4 sensor bin2 + software bin2 4.6um 14bit ADC

further, the ampglow is very moderate.

ASI294MM Pro has very similar parameters as its color version. Both have the 14bit ADC and a high dynamic range of 13 stops, which is even higher than that of ASI1600MM Pro camera.

Large well depth capacity, low read-out noise and high dynamic range.

The full well capacity of 66387e of ASI294MM Pro is near the top of all ASI DSO cameras. It ensures a very high dynamic range up to 13stops that will greatly reduce overexposure probability and help gain richer color gradation.

Old: When the gain value is 120, the magical HCG high gain mode is turned on, the readout noise will be largely decreased (as low as 1.2e), and the dynamic range is basically unchanged.
New: With the new bin 1x1 mode, HCG is on from Gain zero.

ASI294MMP Link zum Hersteller



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