Calibration results of our interferometer


Corrections from calibration:

PtV: If the PtV value we mensurated is under 0.4 (this is equal to lambda/2.5), the mensuration values of other labs were averagely smaller than this with 0.05. So the mensuration value in the mensuration protocol has to be altered downward with this value (0.05). Then the maximal error of PtV is likely to be about +/-0.06. It is to be remarked that the largest PtV errors occured nearly always in the peripheric areas. This may be one of the reasons why our mensuration results are "stricter" ......

RMS: There's no significant systematic error in the value of RMS. The largest error in the results mensurated till now has been +/-0.007. Considering that the mensuration results of different European and American labs compared to each other show greater dispersion than this, the error of the value given in the mensuration protocol can be taken as being +/-0.01.

Central light-utilising: Except for one mensuration, the values of CL show minimal systematic error. Since the dispersion of the errors are greater than this, we don't correct the mensurated result. The error of the value given in the mensuration protocol (especially over a mensurated CL value of 90%) can be considered to be +/-1%.

We have reached the set mensuration preciseness (at PtV +/-0.1, at RMS +/-0.02, at CL +/-2%)with our interferometer. We calibrated our interferometer to Russian (Intes), German (Rohr, ICS) and American (TMB) mensurations.