For Windows Developer 1.Please check files in the SDK directory. 2.ToupcamDshowSetup.exe is the DirectShow SDK installation file. Running it will install the driver, DirectShow files, sample application and its source code. 3.ToupcamTwainSetup.exe is the TWAIN SDK installation file. Running it will install the driver, TWAIN files, sample application and its source code. is a Native C/C++ SDK for developer, including the demo application and documents for reference. 6.About the driver installation, driver validation and deletion operation, please read ToupCamDriverInstallValidationDeletion.pdf file in the ToupViewHelpManual directory. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For Linux Uesr For Linux version of ToupViewX, copy the executable anywhere on your hard drive. Double click ToupViewX will run the application. Root privilege is required to run it. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For Mac User For Mac version of ToupViewX, copy the dmg file anywhere on your hard drive. Double click the dmg file and it will mount automatically. Copy the popped anywhere on your hard drive. Double click will run the application.